I have decided to run the Royal Parks Half Marathon on the October 11th 2020 for my wife who has suffered from Ankylosing Spondylitis for most of her life.
Not many people know what Ankylosing Spondylitis is and those who do have no idea how to say it, but the best way of explaining it is to put it as simply as fucking hurts. Everyday is pain followed by more pain. So I figured to put a smile on her face I would put myself through a lot of pain by doing this half marathon whilst raising a bit of moolah for NASS - The National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society.
It’s also very important to me that as our girls get older they understand what mummy has to go through on a daily basis and I think this is a great way of explaining it to them!
(None of the donations will go towards the 12 mile Uber Journey I will have to take after giving up after a mile)