Welcome to our JustGiving page where we're raising money for the MS Society by running the Eden Project Half Marathon on Sunday 9 October (aaar, that's not far off!).
You may be wondering - why the MS Society? Not everyone knows but Scott's mum has multiple sclerosis and he knows how this neurological condition affects a person's life, as well as those around them. This is a charity we feel extremely passionate about and want to raise lots of money for. The MS Society is the UK's largest charity dedicated to supporting people affected by the condition. An estimated 100,000 people have MS in the UK, however there's currently no cure and the cause remains uncertain. The MS Society is working hard to change this - help them by leaving a generous donation (or just a donation).
Follow us on Twitter @scott_mills and @JemmaJames to keep up to speed with our rigorous training regime and to find out how we get on. Or, if you want to find out more about MS visit
Dig deep!
Scott and Jemma