Thanks for visiting my page. I'm raising money for the British Heart Foundation and I'd be so grateful for your support.
I work for Airmaster Air Conditioning and we recently suffered a very sudden loss of one of our team, Michael Archbould.
Michael was just 32 years of age and suffered a cardiac arrest at home as a result of ARVC inherited cardiac disease. I only knew Michael for around 18 months but from that time I found him to be a kind and true gentleman, a person who had time for anyone and I feel honoured to have known him for that short length of time.
The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people lose their lives. It's only thanks to support from people like us that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures. £24 could pay for two hours of research by an early career scientist, but every pound helps so please give what you can to help me hit my target. Thanks!