Earlier this year Scott’s grandmother, Jean Wright, passed away at the age of 87. His grandmother was someone very special to him and her work ethic and support throughout her life has kept him motivated. To honour her Scott wanted to do something special, and in doing that, also give something back to the community.
So Scott has decided to rope in a very good friend of his, Szilard Galgoczi, as they take on two tough challenges, and raise funds for a wonderful charity, Shelter, which support people all over the country every day in providing safe, secure, affordable homes for everyone.
The challenge of climbing the Three Peaks (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon) in 24 hours on 13/14 July this year will be the first challenge. However, that never felt like enough, so that’s just a warmup for Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, which both Scott and Szilard will tackle from 20 January 2020.
So in total it’s quite a bit of trekking a total of 29,183ft!
We would both be extremely grateful if you could support our efforts and help us raise funds for Shelter. We would like to raise £5000 and Swinton Insurance will match that funding so total target fund raise is £10,000.
Thank you for your support and any tips on how to get through this challenge in one piece are very welcome!!