Hi I am Keirans mum and on the 20th March 2016 Keiran was involved in a fatal accident aged 16. There was no emergency equipment to help him and tragically he did not survive. Keirans Legacy was set up in Keirans name to help other people in Keirans situation who may find themselves in a life threatening situation. We have worked with communities, schools, sports clubs/centres and emergency services to provide emergency equipemnt and education to the public to save lives in Keirans name. Currently there are 100 defibrillators in place, we have saved 6 peoples lives and trained over 1400 people. Keiran would be 22 on the 23rd June and due to current guidelines we are unable to honour his birthday with a BBQ and auction. Please donate if you can to honour his 22nd birthday and to keep allowing Keiran and his Legacy to save lives. Even better join us and sign up today. https://www.thekiltwalk.co.uk/scotlandsvirtual You can join Keirans Legacy Quines and Loons by doing your own virtual activity and be part of saving lives and remaining safe. Post your photos, Like Keirans Legacy on Facebook and share your journey on how you are helping this young man save lives!