Having retired after 40 plus years working for Babcock, latterly in the field of health and safety, where our sole aim was for everyone to go "Home Safe Every Day"...inspired by the courage of a very close friend of mine who seeks to make a difference telling the story of how her wee brother Michael died at the tender age of 26 in an entirely preventable electrical incident at work...I took up a post as a Trustee on the Board of a workplace health and safety charity called Scottish Hazards.
Scottish Hazards provides advice, support and training to workers on all aspects of workplace health and safety.
But like so many other charities, our funding streams have been impacted by COVID-19 at a time when our work has never been more important!
We are running a COVID-19 Helpline for workers, providing much needed advice and support both during lockdown and as we now ease our way out the other side. But as our calls increase, our regular donations have been impacted considerably.
Undertaking Scotland's Kiltwalk will give our charity a much-needed short-term funding boost, and help our life saving work.
Thank you for your support!