Thank you for taking time to visit Savills (Cardiff) fundraising page for the Cardiff Dragon Boat Festival, all in aid of Cancer Research Wales.
A team of Savills finest will be taking part in the Cardiff Dragon Boat Festival on the 14th May, 2017, which promises to be an exciting yet challenging day for all involved and for those spectating. It is planned to start at 10am in Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, so do come down to support and enjoy the days activities.
We would be hugely grateful for any donations made via this page, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research Wales. We have a target of £50 per team member (currently 16 members), which when combined gives a target of £800, which could help make a huge difference.
If you are donating for a particular team member, we ask if you could state who they are in the comments of your donation.
We would like to thank you in advance for any donations made, and it would be great if you could come down and support us on the 14th May.