Having had to defer my 2020 Marathon place due to cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery, I am more determined than ever to complete the London Marathon. I will now have the privilege of running this in April 2023.
One day 3 years ago my lovely running to buddies daughter woke up and whilst getting ready for school she experienced horrific back pain....she has not walked since. Ellie had a spinal stroke and is now paraplegic from T7 (she was 16 years old at the time ). There are often no warnings signs of this and the shock for Ellie and her amazing family was and still is devastating. Ellie's case was instant and non reversible and every penny into further research gives more hope that she may one day walk.
Despite this, Ellie continues to show amazing strength , bravery and determination that many of us will never know, has passed her driving test and completed and passed her A levels. Now in now fabulous job and heading into challenges daily with strength , courage and humour . She is truly inspirational !
Spinal Research is the UK’s leading charity funding medical research around the world to develop effective treatments for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. Every year 1,000 people in the UK and Ireland are paralysed following an injury to their spinal cord. We receive no government funding and rely entirely on the support of the public to raise funds for our research. Because of the efforts of our supporters, we have funded innovative medical research that has achieved a number of ground breaking changes in the field.