Back in October 2020, the lives of Laura, Phoebe and Freddie were completely turned upside down, when Martyn was suddenly taken away from them. This has deeply affected everyone who knew Martyn, not only was he an amazing husband and Daddy, he was truly one of lives "good ones" and the sort of person that would do anything for anyone.
It has been a very heart breaking and traumatic time for the family, so they have called upon the support of an organisation called “Once Upon A Smile”
This charity aims to provide emotional and practical support to bereaved families. As well as offering financial support and respite breaks, It gives individuals an opportunity to talk openly in a caring, and supportive environment, about the ones they have loved, which helps them find a way to move forward and make sense of the new world in which they now live in. They learn to keep the memories alive through activities and mixing with other families going through the same thing, along with making new happy memories.
After losing a loved one, children can often feel isolated or alone, so the support offered to these children and families based on their individual needs, gives them somewhere to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.
Once Upon A Smile does incredible work for families at their time of need. This work is priceless, and any donation will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You