Many of you will already know that after a year under the neurologist following issues with his speech, my husband Lance has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (ALS). This is a devastating condition which affects around 5,000 people each year in the UK at any one time. As a family we have taken time to process this and come to terms with the diagnosis, and know it's going to be a long road ahead. At the moment there is no cure for this disease, only palliative care to manage the symptoms.
The MND Association funds and promotes research that leads them to new understanding and treatments, and brings them closer to a cure for MND. It also supports those affected and their family members and the experience we have had so far with the association has been amazing.
Seeing Lance's incredible bravery and fighting spirit is absolutely inspirational, and I plan to continue raising awareness for this disease and raising as much money as I can to help find a cure, as well as helping other families going through what we are. Lance still has so much to give and is determined to fight for as long as he can and will not give in to this disease.
I will be running/walking 10km everyday for 10 days from Sunday 1st May, wearing my MNDA running vest to help raise awareness. Although I love running, this will be no easy feat as I will have to fit it in whilst working full time and caring for my family. Knowing what people with MND have to go through will spur me out of bed in the morning or enable me to put on my running shoes on after work to make my small contribution to this important cause!
I'd be so grateful if you can sponsor me for even just £1 - every penny counts! Thank you! Wish me luck :-) xxx