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Why am I interested in MIND?
Mental health is something that is very close to my heart. For many years I have suffered with mental and physical health due to some very unpleasant experiences. As a result of some of the experiences I now live with an ileostomy (stoma) and a pacemaker.
I have been extremely lucky to have had some amazing medical and mental health professionals to help me survive some of those darkest days. They have always been beside me and believed in me even when I was unable to see the end. For this I will forever be thankful to them.
I am very privilege to have an amazing family and amazing friends again who have supported me all the way. I still have good and bad days but with the help from my therapist, doctor and my network of support I feel proud to say I’m a survivor not a victim.
This charity means so much to me and those who surround me. If I can raise money as well as awareness of mental health then running the marathon is the best gift I can personally give to others out there who may be facing those dark days and need the help of MIND.