2019 I took the mammoth steps towards running my first ever Marathon in aid of Leukaemia Care. 2020 I took part in the first ever London marathon virtual marathon. Both being an amazing experience.
I can't thank anyone who has supported me through my past 2 fundraising marathons enough... honestly you have all been amazing. But, Unfortunately, as always with any cancer fundraising there is always more to be done.
More research
More awareness promotion
More support for families and friends.
2021 I have once again signed up for the London marathon virtual run. Before I return to London in October 2022 to complete the full London Marathon experience.
I'm sure many of you are aware of my personal reasons for choosing this charity, unfortunately my mums diagnose of ET leukaemia 3 years ago has stayed with us and will so forever.
So, I ask only that you could consider giving as little or as much as you can afford.
Every penny makes a difference to this small charity. It's one more leaflet, it's part of a support meeting or it's one more penny towards research for a potential cure.
Thank you all for your support.