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I will be spending the next 6 months taking part in the VSO's Global Xchange Programme. During this time I will work alongside 19 other British and Nigerian volunteers in communities in the Cross River State, Nigeria and Newham, London. Together with both communities we aim to work towards long lasting social change.
In Nigeria I will take part in a project called 'Education as a vaccine for HIV/Aids'. In the UK I hope to encourage social integration between the diverse communities living in Newham.
Five Reasons Why I Think this Project is Great (And Why You Should Support It!)
1. As volunteers we live with families from the communities.
2. We work closely with people from the Xchange country - the other volunteers, the host families and the communities.
3. We receive regular training and support - ensuring we give and receive all we can.
4. On my return I'll take part in a Social Action project within my community, raising awareness of social issues and sharing my experiences. Bradford and Edinburgh, that means you!
5. Twenty 18-22 years olds will have a life altering experience, have the chance for great personal growth and return Global Citizens, fighting for social development!
Any support you can offer me and Global Xchange is greatly appreciated! Thank you.