Sarah Cooper-Gadd

Saz and Llinz - 5 year celebration SKYDIVE!

Fundraising for Lymphoma Action
raised of £500 target
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Lymphoma Action

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1068395
We are the UK’s only charity dedicated to supporting people affected by lymphoma



5 years ago we jumped out of a plane and raised lots of money for the Lymphoma Association, a fabulous charity close to both of our hearts. 5 years later, we are doing it all again, and here is why.

I was originally diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma in 2009 at the age of 26. After 2 very difficult years of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, operations and a stem cell transplant I was finally given the all clear on 15 February 2011.

Llinos and I met in 2005 when we were both working crappy jobs before getting the 'grown-up' jobs we have now! We had lost touch but after hearing of my diagnosis through a mutual friend Llinos got in touch. It turned out that she had just finished treatment for hodgkins lymphoma, not only that, we were treated at the same hospital and had the same consultant! Llinos  initially beat hodgkins lymphoma as a teenager only to relapse 8 years later when she beat it again!

Having both been through the same illness and treatment Llinos and I share a unique bond, she was always there to support me during my treatment, it is always easier to talk to someone about how it feels to have lost your hair when they know what it is like to be a bald 20 something usually hot fox too! When I got the all clear it was Llinos who suggested we do a skydive for the Lymphoma Association to celebrate, at the time I said to her that we would do it again when I got to the  big 5 years in remission marker....and now here we are!

In the past 5 years Llinos and I have managed to put cancer behind us, we are both married, have great careers and Llinos has her beautiful little daughter Ani. However, we both think it is so important to tell our stories in order to raise awareness of the symptoms of lymphoma. I had symptoms for months before I was diagnosed, just putting the tiredness down to too much partying and the itching down to eczema, maybe if I or someone close to me had spotted the symptoms of lymphoma I would have been diagnosed sooner, and maybe I would not have had to endure the extent of the treatment I eventually needed.

Lymphoma is the biggest cancer in people under the age of 35, yet so few people know what it is. The Lymphoma Association raise awareness of and support people who are affected by lymphoma.

Thank you for taking time to read our story and for your donation, just one final thing before I sign off the SYMPTOMS of lymphoma are:

  • Persistent lumps
  • Itching
  • Night Sweats
  • Weight loss (un-intentional)
  • Persistent cough or breathlessness

So now you know.

Thanks everyone, for all of your support now and always,

Saz and Llinz x x

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About the charity

Lymphoma Action

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1068395
We’ve been providing in-depth, expert information and wide-ranging support for over 35 years, helping thousands of people affected by lymphoma. Our work drives improvements in the diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare of lymphoma.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £286.50 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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