The 26 March is Purple day, a day to raise vital funds, awareness and get people talking about epilepsy. In 2021, support for Purple day is more important the ever.
The 8 members of the Northern Purple Warriors team are Sarah, Michelle, Phil, Jan, Mark, Graham, Helen and Andrew. We are pledging to cover 600 miles by either running, walking or cycling between the 26th of February and 26th March (Purple day) to raise £600 for The Epilepsy Society. We have chosen these targets as 600 people a week are diagnosed with Epilepsy in the UK.
Alongside this we will all be giving up something for 21 days, as every week in the UK there are 21 Epilepsy related deaths. We have all chosen to give up either alcohol, crisps or chocolate. Anyone who knows us will know this may be the biggest challenge!