Your support really is appreciated – The Santas are are the single largest fundraising group they have!
The Santa Cruise is an amazing event, in a year of stunning success for the Santas. Between Burghfest and the Box Kart events, we raised £35k for the TVAA, plus about £10k for other good causes.
Not only will this be the single biggest donation the TVAA will have received - we would like to make it £56k - which matches the population of the city of Santa Cruz :-)
In addition to the adult cruise this year, we will be running a mini-cruise for the children of the village, so we are really looking forward to that!
This money really is important to this amazing charity - I was lucky enough to be invited to visit TVAA at RAF Benson this year and was stunned by the innovations they have made since I first encountered them on the M4 in the 'swoop and scoop' days.
They now carry blood and plasma (the first Air Ambulance to do so) and have increased the survival rate of their patients by 25%
You did that!
They now fly at night, and carry all sorts of tech so they can land safely in unknown places in the dark
You did that!
They have the highest trained critical care responders in the UK and fly specialist trauma care doctors on board - They can even put people into a medical coma before transport. They have full body cams so the staff at the Radcliffe or destination hospital can see the injuries and assess in real time - so patients can go straight to theatre upon arrival
This service is amazing, the people they have are amazing
You did that!