Thank you for visiting my fundraising page.
PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) is an incurable brain disease involving the progressive death of neurons or nerve endings which control balance, movement, vision, speech and ability to swallow.
My Dad sadly passed away from PSP on 1st July, 2002. He was a very special person and lived only for his family. He was always bubbly and happy and such a lovely person to know. I miss him a lot. Seeing him suffer from this awful disease which robbed him of his quality of life was extremely difficult. My wonderful mother cared for him throughout his illness right up the end of his life.
I will be taking part in the Dublin Women's Mini Marathon on Monday, 2nd June (my Dad's birthday!) and would really appreciate your donation in aid of the PSP Association. All donations received will go towards the funding of research into the cause of the illness, treatment and eventual cure.
Many thanks to those who have already sponsored me on my official PSP Sponsorship form, and to those of you who haven't, please dig deep!
Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it.