As some of you know (or will now), I was diagnosed with Remit & Relapse MS in Jan 2017 (just as I found out I was pregnant with twins - such is life).
My noticeable problem is weakness in my legs and sometimes hands but there are number of unnoticed issues that accompany MS (won't bore ya) and that suck, especially the fatigue (and yes, I know I have twins and will forever be tired but it can be extra hard sometimes). I am however, determined to live life to the full and do as much as I can, for and with my family before this disease progresses further.
Therefore, I have decided to hurl these legs - that sometimes feel like lead - outta a plane and flyyyyyyy!! Not my first one but I'm 10 years wiser and more scared than ever!
Please donate what you can and hopefully they will find a cure for this rubbish disease (preferably in MY lifetime... please!)