In March 2013, when she was 3yrs old, my daughter Betsy was admitted to hospital with bacterial pneumonia. A month later, she was back in hospital in the HDU with pneumonia again. She continued to get very sick with this horrible infection 2-3 times a year for the next 3 years. I can honestly say it was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced.
Google was both a help and a hindrance. I read all kinds of awful statistics; the WHO states that pneumonia is the single largest infectious cause of death in children worldwide, accounting for around 16% of all deaths of children under five years old.
We were very lucky. Lucky to be living in the UK with access to the amazing NHS and the medication Betsy needed quickly in order to be well. I would see how rapidly medication would make her better and my heart would break for those who aren’t as lucky.
I used to sit by Betsy’s hospital bed and make promises of the things I would do if she would only be ok and stop getting ill.
I can’t tell you how happy I am to say that Betsy has been well for 3 years now and so here I am finding myself signed up to run the London Marathon on 28th April 2019 for the British Lung Foundation.
The British Lung Foundation are a truly remarkable charity. They were a lifeline when I was continuously researching lung infections and the subsequent investigations Betsy needed.
Staggeringly, the charity is grossly underfunded despite these shocking statistics:
- Somebody dies from lung disease in the UK every 5 minutes.
- About 10,000 people in the UK are newly diagnosed with a lung disease every week.
- Approximately one in five people in the UK has ever developed asthma, COPD or another long-term respiratory illness. Half of them are currently on treatment (mainly inhalers) for lung disease.
- Lung diseases are responsible for more than 700,000 hospital admissions and over 6 million inpatient bed-days in the UK each year.
I have lost my grandad, my uncle and my aunt to lung cancer.
I have watched my nephew battle severe asthma for his whole life.
My godfather has COPD.
If you have ever watched someone you love struggle to breathe you will understand how heart wrenching it is, how you would do anything to help them.
The BLF are the only charity looking after the nation’s lungs. They work tirelessly, investing in research and supporting those living with lung diseases and their families. Their helpline takes 20,000 calls a year and everyone I have met at the charity is passionate about what they do.
Running a marathon has always been an ambition of mine, and it had to be London. Kids, life, gin, all kind of got in the way then I applied on a whim, inspired by my sister’s effort in 2016.
BLF confirmed my place just after I’d found out I was pregnant with my third child. I practically cried down the phone and was able to defer my place by a year.
I’m not going to lie, back then I hadn’t really factored in the sleepless nights, breastfeeding and general exhaustion that comes with a new baby. Training is bloody HARD! But I could never turn down this opportunity - I watch the marathon every year. London is truly electric. It brings out the absolute best in our beautiful city and I am so proud to be part of it this year, supporting an amazing charity I wholeheartedly believe in.
I would love to smash my target of £1800 so if you are able to sponsor me I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Anything you can give will be a big help. No amount is too small and your support will push me to ignore the general exhaustion and ramp up the determination!
Big love,
Sam x