Alex, my beautiful brother, had a way about him, rare and unwavering. He wouldn’t hurt a fly or even a single blade of grass. Alex was a true environmentalist. He exuded passion and love for all living things.
The World Land Trust (WLT) is a charity that was close to his heart. He admired the work they do protecting the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats. Alex admired the support given by the charity towards the creation of reserves, providing permanent protection for habitats and wildlife. This is a cause that deeply resonated with Alex and he donated as often as he could afford.
Alex passed away on the 19th May 2020 during the first Coronavirus UK lockdown. On Sunday 27th June, family and friends are gathering to walk together, surrounded by nature, to raise funds in his memory for The World Land Trust.
All donations made in his name for The World Land Trust, will be received with thanks.
Alex, we love you, we miss you….