I became involved with the Ruth Strauss Foundation at Red for Ruth day at Lords in August 2022. The charity touched me as I have had a few friends who have had cancer diagnosis and it scared me to think how would deal with bereavement if the worst happened. RSF gave hope that if the worst did come along then there would be support. I want everyone to be able to access that support.
Thanks to the great partnership between RSF and Microsoft, I met Hugh Thompson and we came up with the idea for Microsoft Miles. A way to bring together teams across Microsoft, Lenovo and special partners to raise money and celebrate at the end by watching some T20.
PLEASE support our mission to raise £20k across all those participating in Microsoft Miles.
Here is the RSF mission:
Our mission is to help provide emotional support for families with dependent children to prepare for the death of a parent from cancer; and raises awareness and funds for research into rare lung cancers.Every pound you donate will make a difference in funding visionary research into rare lung cancers and vital wellbeing support to meet the emotional & psychological needs of families where a parent is living with an incurable cancer.Fighting the lung cancers you don’t hear about. Supporting the suffering you don’t see.