Thank you for your entries, this prize draw is now closed.
The Winner is Rebecca Wilson, but Edna remains unclaimed.
The fairies and I wanted to do something good and helpful.
Edna volunteered to smile her best smile and make you all fall in love with her. She is sporting rose-tinted lenses that she can flip down over her standard issue goggles, whenever the need presents itself. She may lend you them if you ask nicely.
She wears a sunny yellow flight suit with pink detailing and is determined to bring cheer to all who she meets.
By entering this prize draw you can help me to help lots of little people who need it!
Last entries 8pm Friday 20th November 2020 (GMT)
Thank you for your support
Samantha x
******* PLEASE READ *******
Please ensure that you leave your full name with donations. Anonymous donations cannot be included in the draw. You can not be added later (it gets far too difficult and confusing sorry)
Each donation = just one entry whatever the amount. For more entries
donate £5 again and again.
I'm doing what I love, with a fundraising twist for BBC Children in Need. Together we can support children and young people across the UK to rebuild their lives.