Hello everyone, thank you for visiting our page.
This April, we, Sam and Molly, will be running the London Marathon in aid of The Outward Bound Trust. This is a fantastic charity with which we have a very long-standing family connection.
What is The Outward Bound Trust?
- The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity dedicated to unlocking the potential in young people through learning and adventures in the wild. It challenges young people to never give up, build resilience, and most importantly of all, believe in themselves and achieve more than they ever felt possible.
What do they do?
- Every year The Outward Bound Trust takes over 25,000 young people from deprived and underprivileged communities and challenges them to take part in a wide range of outdoor activities across the UK. These include everything from hill walking to rock climbing, wild swimming to sea kayaking, all with the aim of instilling a sense of adventure and aspiration.
- Through this process, The Outward Bound Trust hopes to help build resilience and confidence through connecting with nature. This equips young people with a greater sense of self-belief, developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviours that are so essential to making positive changes in their lives.
Why is this important?
- Study after study has shown the incredible benefits of engaging with the outdoors, as much mental as physical. Indeed, this was something we all really missed during the Covid19 pandemic. The Outward Bound Trust attempts to use the outdoors as a means to improve the self-esteem, mental well-being, and resilience of young people from the most disadvantaged areas of the UK.
- Taking part in outdoor activities helps Outward Bound participants develop crucial skills and attributes that they may not always have the chance to advance in traditional educational settings. Teamwork, communication, mental strength, and self-belief are all qualities at the forefront of the work The Outward Bound Trust do, striving to equip young people from deprived communities with the values they need to achieve their full potential.
- The rising use of technology has seen less and less time devoted to outdoor activity. The implications this has on the development of young people are enormous, limiting exposure to all sorts of challenges and adventures which are so important in the building of one's resilience and self-confidence.
The Outward Bound Trust's ambition to harness (no pun intended) the outdoors to help young people from underprivileged communities become the best version of themselves possible is something we believe is an extremely worthwhile cause.
Our training has already begun and we would be very grateful for any support to help motivate us along the way. We completely understand that pockets are tight at the moment, but any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Between now and 23rd April we will post regular updates on our training and fundraising progress. Stay tuned.
Thanks all! Lots of love,
Sam and Molly.