The events that we are seeing unfold infront of us over the very limited media coverage we are receiving, is merely a glimpse of the horrific brutalities that are occuring.
Four out of every five Palestinians killed during Israels ongoing military offensive in Gaza have been civilians. Of the 160 deaths that had occured by sunday 13th, 80% had been among Gaza's civilian population.
Under the international law, the Israeli settlements in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 are a vioaltion of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and are classified as ILLEGAL by the United Nations, the US governemnt and all major international legal and human rights organisations, including the Inernational Committee of the Red Cross, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
Despite this being the case, the atrocities are being allowed to carry on...
Reflecting on what I have come across with social media, news coverage etc, there is an obvious divide of opinion. Many are being led to believe that the heartbreaking images we are seeing is all propoganda and agree with Israels "self -defence" measure being practised.
Since when have innocent children become such a threat that ruthless killings are taking place under the name of "self defence" ?!
The aim of this page is to put aside our biased opinions- from whichever angle we are seeing things, and to just focus on the death of the innocent. Innocent children who are cluless to what is going on. All they see is blood and death.
Peace needs to be promoted, and help is very much required.
Please donate however much you can.