Hi Everybody!!!!!!!!
Please sponsor me to complete the 5k resolution run in Manchester. This is to raise money for The Stroke Association.
My Lovely Daddy died of a stroke when I was younger and so this obviously means a lot to me. I want to raise awareness of strokes as at the time this may have helped my Dad.
My Dad will be laughing at me doing this race as I am going to do it dressed as Batgirl. Not just because I'm weird but because the theme is superheroes.
Thank you for looking at my page and a HUGE thank you if you decide to sponsor me. I have to raise at least £50 and anything more than that will be a bonus.
If you fancy a giggle then come join us in the race. Not sure if I will be running, jogging, walking or a mix of both. It depends on how the old lady hip is on the day but I'm going to have a good go at running. I would fly it but I'm not sure how to use my bat wings yet!!
Anyway...... Thank you very much!
Love and hugs