I am appealing to you to help me raise a minimum of £1000 to donate towards our Ramadhan Appeal. This Year staff and students of our school will be climbing Mount Snowdown to help raise funds.
This year, we are working with Shine Charity once again to alleviate suffering in the UK, Syria and Afghanistan
Project 1 – Supporting our Star Family in the UK (Lillah and Sadqah-e-Nafl). Through this Ramadhaan Giving Programme, we will support each of the communities around our schools through
the provision of food vouchers and food packs to impoverished families.
Project 2 – Supporting our Star Family in Lebanon (Zakah and Sadaqah) In Lebanon, Syrian refugee families lack shelter, food, schooling and access to basic medical care. The Lebanese
Government struggles to provide adequate support due to the economic hardship in their country. Through this
Ramadhaan Giving Programme, we will fund a school for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.
Project 3 – Supporting our Star Family in Afghanistan (Zakah and Sadaqah). In Afghanistan, following the change in government and the removal of international financial assistance, many families are suffering with acute hunger. Through this Ramadhaan Giving Programme, we will fund food programmes across the country
Please support me where you can on my trek up Mount Snowdon. I pledge to bring smiles on childrens faces.
Thank you so much for your kind and Generous Donations