Safe Local Trades is very proud to be supporting Age Concern Peterborough, a charity that provides such a valuable and much-needed service in our communities. What prompted the business idea for was watching programmes such as BBC’s Rogue Traders, where the unscrupulous typically prey on the elderly and vulnerable; it was therefore a natural choice that our chosen charity to work with would be our local Age Concern. Scenarios highlighted in these programmes are very real and dozens of people across the still fall victim on a daily basis.
As part of our ongoing support, some of our members and other related Safe Local Trades associates, have agreed to participate in each annual Great Eastern Run to raise money on behalf of Age Concern.
Age Concern provide a vital service and constantly strive to cater for the well-being of all older people in our communities. During the coming winter months, more resources than ever are needed as the elderly are at particular risk at this time of the year.
We had 18 runners who took part in the Great Eastern Run 2010 on the 10th Oct - three in the half-marathon and the rest in the 4k Fun Run. Our JustGiving page will be active until 30th Nov 2010 so please donate to this very worthy cause, no matter how small ever penny will be greatly appreciated.
We were all deeply saddened to hear the tragic news of the deaths of the two runners in this year's event and would like to take this opportunity to offer our sincere condolences to their family and friends.
Your sincerely
Eileen Le Voi
Managing Director