Stroke Association want to be there for people affected by stroke who are feeling isolated and alone in their stroke recovery. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic many vulnerable stroke survivors and carers are now more isolated than ever before, feeling lonely and hopeless.
We need your support to reach them through our new volunteer telephone support service.
Our vision is to provide 1-2-1 telephone support, via a volunteer who can offer a listening ear, share thoughts and experience and act as a friendly voice to every person affected by stroke. Regular communication may be a lifeline to a vulnerable person at this difficult time.
To deliver this service, Stroke Association need:
- £14.40 to provide support to a stroke survivor for 12 weeks
- £140 to connect 10 stroke survivors with ongoing emotional support
- £7220 to provide support to 500 people affected by stroke
- £20,980 to enable us to provide training to new volunteers allowing them to provide support to those affected by stroke
- £25,139 to ensure stroke survivors are matched with a suitable volunteer to support them through the pandemic
- £157,889 to enable up to 3000 volunteer to support people throughout the coronavirus pandemic
This will mean we can:
- Recruit volunteers to provide telephone support to as many people affected by stroke as possible
- Quickly design and deliver online training so our amazing new volunteers can support those in need with confidence
- Provide ongoing support to our volunteers – keeping them safe and supported whilst they support others
- Match people affected by stroke with the best volunteer for them
- Ensure we evaluate the impact of the service and learn what opportunities for a lasting legacy of this emergency support could be
Will you help us ensure the 1.2million people affected by stroke receive the support they want and need during the coronavirus pandemic?