With so much uncertainty in the world, children and young people need emotional support now more than ever. That's why I'm taking part in Cycle for Mental Health with Place2Be. Place2Be is the UK's leading provider of school-based children's mental health services. During lockdown, they have been working tirelessly to provide support to children and families who need them most. With your support, Place2Be can continue to be there for families during lockdown and beyond.- £30 could pay for a vulnerable family to get support from a mental health professional during lockdown. For many isolated families this is a lifeline, giving them access to basic necessities like food.- £100 could help 14 children to reach Place2Be during lockdown and talk about their fears. Thank you.
I’m also doing this because I know what it’s like to struggle, this is something that really means a lot to me. We are all fighting our individual battles, no matter how big or small they are. No one should go through this alone, and I am reaching out to anyone who is struggling, I promise you right now, there is always a way out of the darkness, and I’ll be with you every step of that journey. We all need to work together to help our loved ones and friends, but even if it’s someone you don’t know, be that rock for them, be that person who makes them realise that they can get through it, and help them every step they take. This is something I am so passionate about, because for me there’s been times where the battles get to hard, and the love and support I’ve received from family, friends and professionals have managed to bring me out of them. Please let’s save as many life’s as we can ❤️