Rupert Story Ronald McDonald House
Fundraising for Ronald McDonald House Charities
Fundraising for Ronald McDonald House Charities
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Rupert was 2 weeks and 2 days old and presented with Projectile Billius Vomiting (lime green) at Poole Hospital Children’s Assesment Unit (CAU).
The doctors rushed him to X-ray and discovered an abnormality in his intestines. The decision was made to transfer Rupert to the specialist care of the Children’s Hospital in Southampton for further investigation and treatment.
The fantastic Neonatal and Paediatric Recovery Ambulance (operated by British Emergency Ambulance Response Service - BEARS) kindly took Rupert from Poole to Southampton safely.
On arrival the Surgeons, Radiologist and Nurses of Southampton Children’s Hospital quickly diagnosed malrotation of the bowels. This resulted in a twist and blockage of Rupert’s intestine causing his symptoms. Read more here: GOSH - Malrotation
Approximately an hour later in the small hours of Thursday 14 April 2022 Rupert underwent lifesaving abdominal surgery by Mr Ron and his surgical team. Thankfully all went extremely well and he was back in our arms by 7am.
During his stay at Southampton Children’s Hospital I was fortunate enough to be provided free accomodation in Ronald McDonald House to allow me to be near Rupert even when I couldn’t be at his bedside. This saved us a lot of stress and hassle and time travelling back and forth from home in Dorset which was of great help to us dealing with the fast pace news we had been delivered.
We‘ve started this appeal to raise money for those around us who have met, or are due to meet Rupert very soon to support the people and facilities that Rupert benefitted from last week so that others may be as fortunate as we have been to have our little boy back so very soon after he became unwell!
Due to the limitations of JustGiving and the spread of charities who supported is there are 3 links below, they all look the same BUT they‘re not.
One for each charity which is why they each have their own target, we’d really appreciate it if you could spread your donations across them, if you were thinking of donating a few pounds even, just £1 each link would be great! (I know its a bit more faff!? - sorry)
Please consider splitting your donation to the three charities to cover all the organisations who we received support from:
Southampton Hospital Charities:
Poole Hospital Charity:
What Ronald McDonald do:
Ronald McDonald House Charities UK provides free ‘home away from home’ accommodation to families with children having treatment in hospital. Our Houses offer much more than just a place to stay; they provide family activities, peer support, respite, and many other services. This means that families can be by their child’s bedside in a matter of moments, whilst maintaining a degree of normal life with reduced emotional and financial strain.We help over 6,000 families each year and now, more than ever, we need your support. Thank you.
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