Thank you for visiting my Just Giving page. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. Over 11,000 men die every year in the UK and the number increases every year. The Mission of PCRC is to develop new therapy for men with advanced prostate cancer. The immediate goal is to increase survival and their vision is a cure for the disease. Every pound raised will help PCRC achieve their vision.
This year I will run my 5th London Marathon which will be incredibly special as I will be accompanied during those long and exciting 42 kilometres by my son Carlos. Fundraising is never easy so please, if you can, give generously to this very important cause.
My family has been touched by cancer, and we are some of the lucky ones to have won the battle. But as grateful as I am, I keep in mind in every step that many aren't so lucky. Cancer is a reality that affects thousands of people every day, it devastates families and lives.
Every contribution that you make to this fundraising page will get us closer to a world where prostate cancer can be curable. Treatment is long and painful, early detection is crucial but I strongly believe we can work together supporting The Prostate Cancer Research Centre and one day our children will be able to live in a world free of cancer.
I think it's worth you?