Quick Update
Due to one of being pinged and isolating, we'll be running the 10K next week. Don't worry, the sweaty pictures are on their way, if you're after that sort of thing.
Hey everyone!
This year RKG and IGN UK are combining force to run the London 10K and raise money for SpecialEffect.
We do this every year, but if you're still not aware of what SpecialEffect do... well, we're about to tell you. It's wonderful and unique charity that adapts consoles and controllers to allow people with physical disabilities to enjoy video games. Watch any of their videos, you'll instantly realise how life-changing this work is.
We've certainly realised over the last 18 months how video games provide pleasurable ways to escape but also connect with other people around the world when it's not possible to be there in person.
RKG's Krupa and Gav and IGN's Joe Skrebels will be running the 10K socially distant but converging on an agreed finishing line to celebrate in person.
If you'd like to help us out, press that little 'Donate' button over there. We realise money might be tight this year but any amount gets us closer to that goal and it genuinely all goes to a brilliant cause.
And once you're done, check out the work SpecialEffect does over on its official website.
Krupa, Gav, and Joe x