My Story
18 months ago my Mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. She is now at the Mid-Stage of this terminal disease. Thanks to the support of friends and family and her amazing two carers she continues to enjoy living at home. She still likes to look out at her garden, and she still knows who her immediate family are. She reminds me of the Cheshire Cat: Fading out but still smiling. But the lights are dimming fast. Despite Mum still keeping positive there's no escaping where this is going and what this terminal disease does. It's horrific, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
So what?
I'm trying to keep positive, so I'm doing something positive. I'm digging deep to raise awareness and money for Alzheimer's Research UK, the people who are working towards a future free from the fear of this horrible disease, to better understand the disease to be able to manage it, prevent it and even cure it. It's too late for my Mum, but we can work towards an Alzheimer's-free future.
They also provide support, practical help and education to friends, carers and family of people with the illness, which given the ripple-affect of the disease on everyone around a patient is crucial. Their Helpline is incredible. I for one have learned a huge amount from them.
How, what am I doing.
A lot of running.
I ran London's Royal Parks Half Marathon last October '17 and raised £876 + Gift Aid. (Completed 2:24)
I ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon in March '18 so far raised just over £735 + Gift Aid.(Completed 2:23).
In October 2018 I'm taking on my ultimate challenge: The Bournemouth Marathon, my first ever full 26.2 mile race. My fundraising page for the Marathon is:
In-between the races I'm training by running 4 days a week, making my very patient Husband something of a running widower.
Please help me complete every step of training and the races to help this amazing charity help us on the road to an Alzheimer's-free future.
What's that got to do with you?
If you're not lucky enough to know my amazing Mum, these numbers are relevant: 850,000 people have Alzheimer's in the UK now, today. Globally, the numbers of people living with Alzheimer's will increase from 46.8m in 2015 to 131.5m in 2050, a 281% increase. So even if you don't know anyone today who is affected by the disease, it's fair to say in the future you will.
Please donate.