We, Alex & Bradley, have signed up for the 2018 GNR. As you may/may not know we are extremely competitive brothers, whether its; a run, a game of football or even Fifa! we always want to beat each other so this lead to us signing up for this event. the same time we realise we can raise awareness of a truly horrible disease and hopefully raise a few quid to aid its prevention by using our rivalry!
We initially are aiming for £600 as a goal. if you can spare any change, no matter how big or small then we would be over the moon. we cant thank you enough!
#RunHirdsRun #MenUnited
We are running the 2018 Great North Run for Prostate Cancer UK. Ignoring prostate cancer won't beat it. Prostate Cancer UK has a simple ambition – to stop men dying from prostate cancer. Through shifting the science over the next 10 years we will stop prostate cancer being a killer.