Hi there, thanks for coming to my page! I'm Jon, and I'm running for Robot! Sponsor me as I run Sponsors of £5 and over can chose to sponsor a kilometre and I'll send you a message as I go round, signal permitting!
Ive been trying to find a good event to run to raise money for the A.C.T, and a 100km run seemed like a worthy challenge for such a great cause.
At Addenbrookes Hospital, they have some of the best surgeons in the world. But with traditional surgical techniques it can take weeks for patients to recover. With robot assisted surgery, patients can be out of hospital within days, feeling hardly any pain or discomfort and able to get on with their lives once again. Fundraising for Addenbrookes Charitable Trust (ACT) will help buy Addenbrookes a robot and make surgery even better.
So please, if you can, pledge a bit of money towards this great cause.