Com uma paixão assumida pelo Bangladesh, Rui Daniel Silva irá realizar a partir de setembro uma viagem desde a cidade de Leiria até ao Bangladesh, com o intuito de angariar fundos para as crianças da Fundação Maria Cristina em Dhaka.
Um dos grandes objetivos é chegar à boleia ao continente africano e posteriormente fazer alguns troços de bicicleta, em especial a última etapa desde o Irão ou Paquistão até ao Bangladesh, oferecendo por fim o velocípede às crianças da Fundação.
My name is Rui Daniel Silva. I am a piano teacher in Leiria and a regular contributor to travel journals, both magazines and newspapers, such as ZenEnergy, Sapo Cape Verde, Umbigo, Bom Dia and Jornal de Leiria.
Having already visited more than 100 countries, I am an assiduous contributor to the travel bookazine diariesof and I am co-author of the book “ Espalhando palavras no caminho da lusofonia” , in which I was invited to participate with travel chronicles.
This September I will start a year-long journey from Portugal to Bangladesh in order to raise funds for the children of the Maria Cristina Foundation in Dhaka, Bangladesh. On the first stage of the journey I will hitchhike through the African continent and later I will travel some sections of the journey by bike, especially the final part from Iran to Bangladesh, where I will offer the bicycle to the children of this Foundation.
I have also created a page on "JustGiving" to raise funds to the foundation and I have been sharing this info with several media in order to raise the maximum possible funds throughout the year, while being on the road.