Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
For my Final Major Project at @mcrfashioninstitute I am developing a collection to raise awareness for Endometriosis . We (humans) needs to continue taking about Endo so more research and tests will be done to find cure and reduce average diagnosis time which is currently 7.5 years.
This condition can effect those born with female reproductive system and yet there is no cure.
We live at 21th century woman needs cure for this condition. I use my voice and platform as a conscious fashion designer who has the condition for 12 years to raise awareness for Endometriosis.
This project is for empowering women all around the globe .
For more information please refer to website and @nhsengland
If you would like to contribute please donate to my Just giving page link in the highlights and if you got endometriosis please send me with you want world to know about your endometriosis.
@officialgfw #tagyourtalent #weargraduatefashion #classof2022 #GFW22 @mmu.fdt @mcrfashioninstitute @officialgfw