Hello shiny happy people!
Anyone who knows me at all will tell you I'm petrified of heights; I cry when I go on planes, I avoid bridges and sometimes I get dizzy on steep hills. So, what better way to raise money for Breast Cancer Care than to face my fears, right? Right.
So easter 2013 I shall be Skydiving! I've set my target for £600, because I won't jump out of a plane for any less!
Please please pleaseeee donate whatever you can. All I need is for each person who reads this to donate a few quid and I'm away :) fish around your room and down the back of the sofa and I bet you can find some spare change lying around somewhere!
The reason that I chose to jump for Breast Cancer Care is that I'm a member of Tickled Pink Society at Aberystwyth University, which is a fantastic all girls society who raise money for Breast Cancer Care and one other charity. So it seemed natural to do something big for the charity I'm already supporting and one which I'm so attached to and proud of :)
And in advance, on behalf of Breast Cancer Care and myself, thank you so so much for helping me along this little adventure! :)