As many of you know, our gorgeous identical twin boys arrived slightly earlier than expected, leading to a very long hospital stay over the summer of 2022. We were in hospital across both the Royal Sussex and the Evalina in London for a total of 117 days before we could bring our boys home.
During this challenging time we were so lucky to be accommodated by Ronald Macdonald house. Their accommodation meant we could be close to the boys within the hospital at all times.
When Rory came out of hospital and Rudi still needed further care, including life saving surgery, they kindly accommodated us having a newborn with us as well.
We are so grateful to both Ronald Macdonald houses at Brighton and the Evalina for putting us up during such a challenging time. We don’t know how we would have coped without being so close to our boys, particularly during our time at the Evalina where Rudi was very unwell.
Our aim is to fundraise £5000 by their second birthday in June. £5000 funds a room for a year at a Ronald Macdonald house. £25 will fund a room for a family for one night.
Us and our friends a family ran home from the royal Sussex on their birthday last year to raise money which was an amazing day. This year Samira and her father Steve are doing there first triathlon ( for Steve’s 70th) on the 16 th June. We’re also planning a Rory and Rudi ride home from the evalina in sept, 2 years to the day from when Rudi had his life saving surgery.
Thank you for all your support,
Samira, Nathan, Rory and Rudi
Ronald McDonald House Charities UK provides free ‘home away from home’ accommodation to families with children having treatment in hospital. Our Houses offer much more than just a place to stay; they provide family activities, peer support, respite, and many other services. This means that families can be by their child’s bedside in a matter of moments, whilst maintaining a degree of normal life with reduced emotional and financial strain.We help over 6,000 families each year and now, more than ever, we need your support. Thank you.