With just 2 days to go until the big day I need all the help I can get to reach my target of £1300.
I am running for a small charity called "Health Unlimited" which works to help people affected by war or political instability in Africa. Having visited South Africa and been involved with Unicef, I know how much of a difference charities like this can make. Given their focus on providing health education through the use of radio and community theatre as well as working to treat major diseases, this charity can make your donations go a long way by tackling both the causes as well as the effects of disease.
I am proud to run for this charity and I hope you will show your support by making a donation online. I really need your help to reach my target and all donations are gratefully accepted.
As preparation for the marathon I ran the adidas half marathon at silverstone on Sunday 9th March. I came in at 1hr 40 mins (710/5000) which was about my target and having never run competitively before it was both a great experience and a good opportunity to work on my pace setting. I now hope to complete the marathon in around about 4 hours which means I have been and will be training really hard (upwards of 5 times a week!).
So for my colleagues at Macfarlanes that means no more Cafe Five meals so if you see me around there send me on my way! Of course that means I'll need to be getting away before 7.30 each train!
And for my friends if you can help in any way it would mean alot! And I'll be sure to buy you a drink next time I see you! (after the marathon - no Guinness at the moment unfortunately!)
All the best and thanks for visiting!