On the 29th June 2021, our world came crashing down when Roger was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiform Grade 4 Brain Tumour which was inoperable. This devastating diagnosis was a huge shock to us all as Roger was only given a prognosis of a year to live. However Roger was so positive and with his glass half full, he began his fight to try and win this losing battle.
Roger started Radiotherapy to the brain and chemotherapy almost straight away but the effects of this gruelling treatment began to take its toll. Within a few months, and after a lot of treatment on different drugs. Unknown to us, Roger had developed steroid induced diabetes. On the 5th September 2021, Roger suffered a tonic clonic seizure and had a cardiac arrest. Jemma kept Roger alive for 13 minutes by admisitering CPR and he was rushed to hospital where he miraculously survived.
Weeks after retuning home from hospital, Roger began to lose the use of the left side of his body. He started to lose his mobility, was falling over, couldn't walk up the stairs and started to have increased vacant seizures. Rogers communication began to decrease and he started to lose his memory. He became agitated and confused and sadly lost the ability to feed and dress himself.
Roger had a biopsy to his brain on the 20th September 2021, but he never fully recovered from this and his decline became rapid. He managed to go on a cruise for a week with Karen, Pat and Efisio on the 30th September 2021. Sadly when Roger returned home he completely lost his mobility and became bed bound. This was devastating for Roger as he was such an independent and active man.
The Marie Curie nurses at home came to help care for Roger a few times a day, which helped the family as it was very difficult to care for him alone. The care received from Marie Curie was impeccable and second to none. Without them, we as a family wouldn't have been able to cope. They even provided a night service which gave Karen a well needed respite.
Even with Marie Curie's help at home, unfortunately on the 21st January 2022, Rogers pain and symptoms became unmanageable at home and he needed more intensive care in the Marie Cure Hospice in Penarth. The care he received there was absolutely incredible and they treated him with compassion, tried to make him pain free and comfortable and each and every one of the staff members were there to support all of the family. We will never forget their kindness and compassion.
What was meant to be a short stay in Marie Curie's hospice, turned out to be a longer stay and there were so many complications thrown Rogers way. Roger caught Covid in the hospice and managed to recover from this. Immediately followed by severe brain swelling and uncontrollable vomiting. This horrendous tumour was taking over and eventually sadly won the battle. The end of Roger's life was managed with dignity but the tumour has been an evil monster and caused an amazing man to go through some horrendous times.
On 4th April 2022 Roger lost his battle.
Thank you Marie Curie for trying to keep Roger comfortable and doing everything you could for him and supporting the whole family through this absolutely horrendous time. We are absolutely heartbroken to have witnessed Roger go through this, he didn't deserve this.
Rogers journey lasted 9 months but now Roger is at peace and no longer suffering the wrath of this evil monster.
A message from Marie Curie :
Our nurses, doctors, therapists and social workers provide expert care and support both to the people staying with us at the hospice, and in the local community. Each day at the hospice is special. By getting to know people as individuals, we help them do what is important to them whether thats getting out into the hospice garden to enjoy the views across the sea, having a beloved pet visit come to visit or sharing precious moments with their loved ones.We need to raise £8,311 per day to run the hospice, so every penny counts. Thank you for helping to make sure more people with a terminal illness in Cardiff and the Vale get the care and support they need.