Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving
As many of you will be aware we tragically and unexpectedly
lost Mike, a good friend on 7th October.
Mike was great man, understated and unassuming but one who
gained so much respect from friends and colleagues. Mike and I spent many cycle rides all over the world as the backmarkers in our cycling group and he will be sadly missed.
Sue and I decided a while ago that we would host a New Year
Party this year, which traditionally is fancy dress. We have decided this year
not to do fancy dress and in lieu of monies that may have been spent on fancy
dress, that a donation is made in favour of one of Mike’s charities, the ShannonTrust.
The Shannon Trust engages with non reading prisoners early
in their sentences, in order to give them new opportunities and give them hope
for a new and different life.