During the current school closure due to Covid-19, the School Council have been continuing to meet online. They decided to organise a Sponsored Reading Fundraiser. For every page a child reads, they recommend being sponsored 4p*. So for a 100 page book this would be £4.00 - this is a guide - you are free to choose yourself how much to sponsor.
When you donate through this website, on the message page, we invite you to please say which book has been read and how many pages were in the book.
*Please note that the minimum you can sponsor at any one time is £2. And just to warn you that JustGiving automatically adds £1 to fund their site, but you can easily remove this if you wish.
Why the target of £4160? The distance from Roding Primary to Cambridge is 52 miles or about the same as 104,000 book pages. So 4p times 104,000 pages is £4160.
The sponsorship is not just for children - parents, carers, wider families and school staff are all welcome to join in.
The School Council are also inviting you to send pictures of you reading in either an interesting place, or dressed up! Please send them to the school email address ( and note we may use these in a newsletter.
Get reading!