I will start by quoting a simple but powerful message, please bear this quote in mind when donating towards this Sadaqah and Zakat eligible cause, Insha'Allah
"Whoever saves the life of one person, it is as if he has saved the life of all mankind" ..... Quran 5:32
I am embarking on the UKs first Hijrah Ride (Makkah to Madinah) which is a once in a lifetime opportunity to take part in the Hijrah ride. This is an amazing historical journey where I will be able to perform my Islamic rights of Umrah and then take on an the epic ride, cycling over 3 nights to reach the holy city of Madinah.
WHY? .....10% of babies born with Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) out of 1.5 million, do not survive their first year of life. 1,500,000 babies are born worldwide with a Congenital Heart Defect of which 150,000 of them will not live to see their first birthday.
1000s more die before they reach adulthood. Every Heart Deserves to Beat! Muntada Aid's Little Hearts project provides free life-saving heart surgeries to babies and children with Congenital Heart Defects from underprivileged families irrespective of gender, race or religion.
My target amount will fund the cost of FIVE heart surgeries- the thought of giving someone a chance of living life... ! Insha'Allah
My request is for your dua's as well so that I can complete this challenge successfully
Shah Kamali (Rocky)