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This year is different. I am not entering Noumenon as due to my dereriorating condition, I am unable to safely skipper the boat. I will bring you up to date. My drug trial on Aberateron finished as my body had found a way around it but it has been a very succsessful to that point! A further trial drug was given to just three of us including an ex-international rugby player but this was not successful.
My PSA rose to 113 (should be less than 4), so in September I commenced the dreaded chemotherapy. This is given every 21 days and tends to wipe out two out of every three weeks. In late January I started getting pain in my pelvic area where the cancer had spread to the bones and by early April I was having to walk on crutches. I realised I was in real trouble when, under medical supervision my morphine dosage was multiplied by a factor of four in just two weeks. At this point I was admitted into hospital where it was discovered I had been walking on a broken hip!
As a consequence I was fitted with a new hip on 19th April 2010 and am now virtually pain free and just using crutches for stairs and longer external walks I now need to get fit for the Round the Island Race as, this year I have been invited on the Prostate UK boat, it being one of the four charity boats taking part.
The organisers supply the four boats with a skipper and mate and we odds and sods make up the crew but, to be allowed by Audrey to take participate, I have had to agree no foredeck work.
The charity boats are racing for the charity cup won last year by McMillan this year I want to be on the winning boat.
Thank you for your donations in the past and please help once again in enabling me to participate in the sport I love while raisin funds for Prostate UK.