This summer, children from our Dingley's Promise centres will be taking on individual challenges. Tied into their ongoing developmental targets, the challenges will be meaningful and beneficial to each child. We can't wait to see how they get on!
Max is 4 years old and has downs syndrome so his development and understanding is delayed. He has been working on his communication and signing with Zoe this past year and is making good progress and we hope to build on this over the next year before Max starts school.
Max is also going to be working on his eating and expanding his range of foods that he eats. This has been a major battle for Max to accept new foods and since being at Dingleys he has accepted 2 new foods that he will happily eat while at nursery which is a major achievement for him. We would like to raise money for Dingleys Promise as they are doing an amazing job working with Max and is so.importnat that the nursery gets all the support they can to offer more children like Max these amazing opportunities and overcome any challenges they face in life.