I'm going to run/cycle/swim 100 miles in under a month to support the Attenborough Nature Reserve Lifeline Appeal
They're currently 5% off their target to secure the land still owned by Cemex (a concrete plant) whose flooded gravel pits are now a very important overwintering area and safe-haven for some pretty rare wildlife
200 hectares of wetland, woodland and grassland. Kingfishers. Cobnuts. Starling murmurations. Moths! (over 400 species). 450 plant species. 160 bird species. 100 hoverfly species. And counting...
The appeal's deadline is 31st Jan, however any amount I am able to raise between now and the Northumberland 10k finish line on 22nd Feb will go directly to the appeal and the reserve - managed, maintained and developed by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
We need to protect our local habitats and species, donate if you can and follow my daft plan here
Big love!
Endurancelife Northumberland 10k