Welcome to the St Paul's Pauls4All fund-raising page for Beyond Ourselves. This is the central page that all members of our community (pupils, staff, parents and alumni) can use to fund-raise for Beyond Ourselves.
As well as some fun 2.6 challenges that we've been doing, from 260 mins of table tennis to 26 seconds of juggling (link to video in due course), the Pauls4All committee will be running several virtual events during this summer term and we'll be using these pages for fundraising. You can follow the events on our Twitter ( & Instagram ( pages too.
St Paul's has been in a partnership with Beyond Ourselves for several years and we've run two trips to Zambia to understand more about their fantastic work in Zambia. With schools closed in Zambia due to COVID, their support for the communities that they work in is more important than ever. Thank you for your ongoing support!