Hi everyone,
For the second year running I'm swimming the Swim Serpentine to raise money for KDUK.
This year I've increased the distance and am swimming the 2 mile event.
Kennedy's is a a little-known neurological and hereditary condition causing potentially severe muscular atrophy which can drastically effect mobility and other day-to-day activities.
My father-in-law is a sufferer, my wife is also a carrier of the genetic condition so it is a cause which is close to our hearts as its potentially passed to our children.
All the money I raise will go to KD-UK to assist with their superb efforts to raise awareness of the condition and to help fund the brilliant Kennedy's research unit at UCL.
I'm also involved as a medical subject for the Kennedy's research team at UCL looking to further understand and develop treatments for Kennedys. Currently there is no cure and no treatment for Kennedy's Disease.
If you want to know anymore just ask or view more info over on the KDUK Facebook page: