Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page and thinking about giving some money in support of the Alzheimers Society. They do wonders for helping sufferers and carers cope with their predicament as well as support an extensive research programme.
My family has experienced first hand the impact of the disease on mum and dad as her carer. They are angels in stoically coping with their fate. I hope you will be happy to give some financial support to the Alzheimers Society who do great work in trying to find a cure through research and in improving the quality of life through promoting sympathetic caring for those suffering.
My marathon traning started in the New Year. With all my travel for work, I have been struggling to get enough miles under my belt. I am using the weekends as much as I can and have been on two 2 hour runs, and a 3 hour one, which actually turned into a bit of struggle towards the end! I am planning another longer run this weekend as in truth I am struggling a bit to get really fit this time - age catching up no doubt.
I hope that you might spare a thought for those impacted by this disease, as well for me to keep me going through my long weekend runs. I've given up alcohol - my last drop was on 1Jan and I even managed to say no to all the alcoholic temptation over my good friend Pete's 50th birthday party last weekend. I have started climbing the stairs upto my 7th floor perch at work. Mad maybe, but trying to keep my time under 4 hours and hoping to make a difference for Alzheimers giving by raising a little more money. If you would like to contribute they would appreciate it and so would I.